The cornerstone of any business is their workforce.

Makes sense, right? If you don’t have anyone working for you, then you aren’t going to be getting anything done.

So, as you might guess, it’s within a business owner’s best interest to ensure that their employees are as motivated as possible when performing their work. After all, an unmotivated employee is one that isn’t going to be interested in giving their best work out. You might find yourself hemorrhaging money without even realizing it if your workers have decided that they don’t care about their job.

Apathy is a dangerous thing to have to linger around the office.

So then, what are you going to do to get your employees more motivated to do their work?

Without having to pay them more, that is.


Tell us, how do you feel when someone gives you some positive feedback? Pretty good right? Certainly better than when someone starts picking on your failings.

So why would your employees be any different?

Though often overlooked, giving your employees positive feedback on their performances is a great way to get them engaged in the work that they’re doing. After all, if they know they received praise for doing good work once, then wouldn’t it make sense for them to try and replicate that process again? Though a seemingly simple method, this costs you nothing more than some kind words and can get your employees motivated to do more with their work.

You can even take it to the next level and start sharing positive customer experiences that have come about because of their hard work. It can be difficult for employees to truly appreciate just how their work contributes to the greater whole of the business and taking the time to say that their work made someone’s day can go a long way to reminding them that they’re essential.

Your employees are more than just cogs in a massive machine.

Let them know that.

Set Weekly Goals

Having good long-term goals is essential for any business.

It gives you a direction that you can focus on and allows you to keep track of just how much your business has been able to improve over time. Being able to celebrate the achieving of your long-term goals makes for fantastic celebrations.

That said, it can be difficult for employees to appreciate their contributions towards such long-term goals. Trying to match their work on such a grand scale can make them feel small and insignificant, which isn’t something that you want your employees to feel. After all, if they don’t feel as though they’re contributing anything, then why should they work harder?

Setting shorter weekly goals will allow employees to understand just how much their contributions matter to the company. More than that, it gives them a solid and defined goal that they can work towards each week instead of just grinding away at a task without end. You don’t want your employees to feel as though they’re a modern-day Sisyphus, that’s the easiest way to make their work feel worthless and demotivate them.


Business owners, this should be one of the most basic rules that you follow.

Don’t be a jerk.

This seems like such a no brainer when put like that, but you’d be surprised.

One of the easiest ways to turn off your employees’ interest in their work is by refusing to treat them with respect. If you act as though they’re nothing more than drones who are supposed to go about their tasks all day with no individuality, you’re quickly going to find that they’re resenting you behind your back.

Treat your employees as though they’re people. People with their own thoughts and motives and dreams. Engage with them and learn more about them, show them that you’re invested in them as more than just an office worker. Make them feel as though they’re part of something more and that they should be invested in their work.

Really, all you need to do is be respectful to your employees and half the battle is done.

Your employees’ motivation is always going to be something you’re going to have to work on to keep engaged, lest you wake up one morning and find out that half of your workers hate their jobs. However, these are some excellent first steps to start moving in the right direction and make your business an engaging experience for them to work.


  • Be open. Don’t close your employees off from the ongoing of your business; let them know what’s happening and how it could affect them.
  • Offer food. The workday can be pretty long for some people and holding themselves over until lunch can be a challenge. Give them some snacks to keep them fed and motivated.