Probably weren’t expecting such a short answer, were you?
Though these days that isn’t a question that needs much consideration. It isn’t a question of whether you should have a website or not; it’s a question of why you don’t have one yet. The sheer proliferation of websites across the internet by individuals and companies alike has normalized the idea of owning a website.
For a business to not have one is something of an oddity.
With how integral the internet has become to the world that attempting to cut yourself out from the flow of information is nothing short of foolishness. There are too many advantages when it comes to owning a website to consider the possibility of not having one.
If you still aren’t convinced about how important it is for you to have a website for your wholesale business, let’s go over a few of the many benefits of having one.
It’s become something of an expectation for legitimate companies to have a website of their own.
When people are researching companies that they want to make purchases from, one of the first things that they’re going to do is look for them on the internet. They’re going to want to know more about a business before they make any final decisions, and websites are usually one of the easiest ways to accomplish that.
To not have a significant online presence indicates that either your business isn’t very professional or is instead a fraudulent company trying to scam others. That means that you could have been losing customers without even realizing.
Merely having a website set up can go a long way to convincing others of your legitimacy.
Ease of Access
It’s much easier to access a website than a store.
Brick and mortar stores can ever be entirely replaced by the internet; it does offer a significant advantage in terms of accessibility. Before the advent of online business, people were stuck working with companies that they knew, either local businesses, larger scale national companies or ones that they heard about by word of mouth.
Now retailers can find wholesale distributors who are on the other side of the world with just a few clicks if they have the right sort of website. Product lists can be found in an instant, retailers made aware of what kind of products they offer not through hours of research and conversations but by merely scanning a page.
Websites make it far easier for retailers to reach you, removing one of the stumbling blocks from transforming them from interested parties to customers.
Television, emails, phone calls, these are all tried and true marketing methods.
However, few things can compete with a website in terms of sheer efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Even if specific marketing campaign strategies aren’t expensive like television advertisements, they can cost in terms of time and human resources. Not only that, but they tend to have a minimal window of usefulness; many people will forget about the ads by the end of the day if not the very hour.
A website is different though.
Once they’re up, websites are rather simple to maintain and don’t cost nearly as much as trying to get an ad on television. They’re always on as well, meaning that you don’t need to be concerned with the possibility of your target audience missing out. It’s still going to be up on the internet, blasting your name across the world for all to see.
Now, for all the advantages that they offer, creating a well-crafted website is by no means easy.
There are plenty of businesses who try their hands at this and fail in creating something engaging and easily navigable for their audience. Then can become bloated and unrefined and ultimately drive away from the very individuals that you were hoping to attract.
However, done right?
Done right and a website will pay for itself in no time at all.
- Be professional. Putting together a poorly crafted website can be worse that not having one at all, put real effort into make it as efficient and professional as you can.
- SEO management. A website will make your more accessible, but you’re going to work hard to get the internet’s attention.